Finding Fraser by KC Dyer

My critique partner gave me this book because she knows, first, I’m a huge Outlander fan, second, pretty much anything that is set in Scotland will gain my attention and last, she knows that sometimes I just want a bit of light romance with a guaranteed happily ever after. Finding Fraser turned out to my delight to be a light, fun, fast paced, laugh out loud funny story that I read in one sitting and just what I was in the mood for.

Basic plot without giving all away. Heroine Emma Sheridan is about to turn thirty. Her work life is a mess. Her love life is a disaster except for her fantasies about fictional Outlander hero, Jamie Fraser. She has an uber successful workaholic sister who despite her best intentions, makes Emma feel like a pathetic loser. Deciding a major change is an absolute necessity for her sanity and well-being, Emma sells everything, quits her dead-end job, starts a blog and heads to Scotland to find her own Jamie where to her surprise she realizes finding the perfect man is quite possibly nowhere near as important as finding yourself.

Author KC Dyer weaves a hilarious romp of a story with wonderful detailed descriptions that made me feel like I was traveling through Scotland with Emma. and not seeing it from a touristy point of view, but more connecting with the landscape and more importantly the locals. The cast of quirky character’s Emma crosses paths worth are memorable, well developed., not at all stereotypical and there were a few I would have liked to learn more about. The ending was of course romance, happily ever after. Finding Fraser was a romantic, fun, fluff of a story that I highly recommend!