The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

An amazing read!

“Be careful of what you wish for—you might get it.” This quote is attributed to Aesop’s Fables and it is a perfect one-liner to describe the theme of this book, or one of them. 

I loved this book from the opening line to the closing line. The story stayed with me for days and longer. Author, V.E. Schwab does a masterful job of spinning a tale that takes place over the course of three hundred years about a young woman of twenty-three granted the wish of absolute freedom for eternity—with the caveat that she will be forgotten by anyone and everyone who meets her, leaving her unable to leave a mark on the world. This strong and well-crafted plot transported me. Every character, from the protagonist—adventure-seeking Addie LaRue—to the antagonist—Luc, who may or may not be the devil—to every other character  is so fully developed, I was able to picture them all with a vivid clarity as the story swung between the past and present of Addie’s long life. 

Story summary:

An adventurous child, Adeline LaRue wanted far more than what everyone expected of a woman. She is not ready to marry. She is not ready to have child after child until she is worn out in body and soul. The night before her wedding to a man she does not love or even much like, Addie makes a deal with one of the gods after dark, a rule she knew she was never supposed to break. God or devil, she was not certain, but she struck the deal: her soul for her freedom. A deal where she would not age, but she would feel pain, sickness, and the inability to ever leave her mark on the world. From that moment on, she will be forgotten by everyone. Three hundred years later, she crosses paths with Henry, who utters the words, “I remember you” when she goes to return the book she stole for another (stories are what keep her able to move forward without giving in and giving up her soul). 

I could literally not put this sad and inspiring book down, despite how many times the words caused tears to stream down my face. The ending was not what I was expecting or hoping for, though it was satisfying for me as a reader. I highly recommend it and can’t wait to read more by this author.