Kristin and Bobbi's Write Life Wednesday - When Life Gets in the Way of Writing

I had hoped to make this post one of inspiration, great words by leaders in the industry on how to get your butt in that chair and not to move it until you have achieved and exceeded your dreams of publishing fame.


I had hoped that would be what this week's Write Life Wednesday post would be about. But then reality hit in the form of a stomach virus that is making it's evil rounds through my house and... I'm spent.

It hit the husband first, then child number one, child number two. I can't say for sure if I am even sick or just so-absolutely-toast-exhausted from playing Florence Nightingale that I feel, so...


So I apologize, dear readers. The only words of wisdom I have this week are wash your hands well and often because this stomach bug is not one you want. 


And this gem, from Stephen King:

"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work."

So, do that, if you can. If this stomach virus hasn't yet come calling for you. Get up. Go to work. Write something fabulous.

In the meantime, I have some sickies to tend to, but will be back next week...