10 crystals every writer needs on their altar

While researching the best crystals to spark creativity and help with writer’s block I stumbled upon this informative blog from The Moonwrite that I wanted to share with you.

As far as writing tools are concerned, crystals aren’t exactly on top of the (conventional) list. But, when utilized, they can add another layer to a writer’s workflow, sparking inspiration, creativity, focus, clarity, and motivation. They can even protect against writer’s block.

If you’re on the hunt for the perfect crystal to elevate your writing, there are a lot to choose from — all with unique properties to aid specific aspects of your writing.

Celestite for Writer’s Block: If you feel blocked, Celestite can help give you a boost of clarity and promote intuition to work through the writer’s block.

Citrine for Brainstorming: Citrine helps writers tap into their inner wisdom and better understand information, making it the perfect brainstorming tool.

Quartz for Clarity: When it comes to writing crystals, Clear Quartz can be used for a multitude of things — but it is best known for bringing clarity to the mind. If you’re looking for inspiration, Clear Quartz can not only help spark the imagination but also help you see clearly what direction to take with your work.

Lapis Lazuli for Journalists: If you are a journalist — or aspiring to become a journalist — Lapis Lazuli is your must-have crystal for writing. This crystal is used to promote truth-telling and healthy communication, ensuring reporters possess good judgment when publishing news, articles, and other stories.

Blue Lace Agate for Blogging: Blue Lace Agate has properties associated with the throat chakra, aka communication. If you are a blogger or thinking about starting a blog, this crystal will help you access your throat chakra, helping you communicate and relay information in a clear and concise manner.

Pyrite for Opportunities: Also known as fool’s gold, Pyrite is a stone of prosperity and wealth. If you’re manifesting new writing opportunities, this is one to keep in your pocket — literally. Keeping Pyrite in your pocket can help manifest financial gain.

Tiger’s Eye for Deadlines: If you’re crunched for time and need to meet a deadline, reach for Tiger’s Eye. Known to bring mental clarity and focus, this crystal for writing is sure to keep you on track. Tiger’s Eye can also be useful for helping you get through any rewrites as it can help with problem-solving.

Jasper for Memoir or Journal Writing: Jasper has a nurturing property, which can bring comfort when working on a memoir or writing in your journal.

Fluorite for Researching: If you’re looking for a crystal that will empower your research sessions, look no further than Fluorite. Known as a learning aid, Fluorite can boost concentration and help with decision-making when compiling information.

Carnelian for Pitching: Carnelian boasts an air of confidence that can help give you that extra push you need to hit send when pitching ideas to a publication, sharing a book proposal, or finally — finally — putting your blog out there in the world. Think of Carnelian as your writing armor and do the damn thing!