Practice Writing: What is it And Why Should Do It?

What is practice writing, why do it? Well, the simple answer is it’s just what it sounds like: practice.

Have you ever heard of a concert pianist making their debut without years of practice? I am absolutely certain Yo-Yo Ma practiced the cello a lot, just as I am positive Jack Nicklaus spent hours upon hours hitting golf balls. Monet probably did a lot of practice sketching before the final version of his “Water Lilies.”

Yet so many writers think they should just be able to sit down and write that Pulitzer Prize winner on the first or second sit-down, with no warmup whatsoever. 

Free writing—or practice writing, as Natalie Goldberg calls the exercise in Writing Down The Bones—is one of the best tools for writers of all levels, from the person looking to write their first piece to the seasoned writer needing to break through an endless block and reconnect with their lost or forgotten muse. Timed prompt writing never fails to jump-start one’s creative flow, lead a writer to discover their voice, or strengthen the voice already in place.

What is this? How does it work?

Practice Writing

Practice writing is simple. It can be done alone or with a group, though personally, I find the group setting more fun. All you need to do is pick up a pen, set a timer, and write for five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, or longer if you find your muse kicking in. The inner critic is never allowed. They should be treated much like a vampire: without an invitation to enter, they cannot cross the threshold. 

The exercise of practice writing is all about loosening your thoughts and setting them free. It’s about uninhibited flow and building self-confidence. It’s about blasting apart any blocks standing in your way, including fear of failure, inner critics, anxiety, or any other forms of resistance you can dream up. If you have an idea that has been percolating in the back of your mind, but you can’t quite seem to get it out, try a few sessions of practice writing. It will help.

Is there a particular technique?

Apart from setting a timer and picking up your pen, the answer is no. You can choose a topic if you want to have some structure, or expand on a particular subject that has been on your mind. You can write from your own life, or from a character in a story you are working on or thinking about developing. I’ve often found when I don’t know what direction in which to take a character, writing from their point of view helps.

Willingness to take a risk is always to be encouraged. There is no need to worry about perfection or publication. Grammar and spelling are unimportant in this stage. Editing is not allowed. The words created in this exercise are not ones you need to let anyone see or hear unless you choose. The purpose of the exercise is to keep your hand and your pen moving across the page continuously until the time goes off. Feel free to stray off topic, letting your thoughts go where they will. Remember, practice writing is just that—practice. Good, bad, brilliant … it doesn’t matter. Keep writing.

If you can’t think of anything to write, scribble I can’t think of anything to write or the line of the prompt over and over until a line of thought crystalizes.

The key to a successful practice writing session is to get out of your head. Do not overthink; just pick up the pen and write. Do not stop and reread what you have written until the timer goes off. The point is to get the words flowing out of your brain and onto the paper. If you stop to worry over whether what you’ve written is good, then a block will be thrown up rather than torn down—and breaking down those blocks is the point of the exercise!  

Practice writing is the ultimate blockbusting tool with only one rule: WRITE!